As the bitter cold of winter sweeps across Punjab, thousands of underprivileged individuals—such as slum dwellers, construction workers, street hawkers, and daily wage labourers — are left fighting to stay warm. Many lack even the most basic necessities like blankets, leaving them exposed to the harsh, freezing conditions.
Together, we can help bring warmth and hope to those who need it most.
With the warmth of our living rooms, tucked into beds or sofas and wrapped in layers of cozy clothes, we often fail to realize the struggles of those who must face the cold in the open or with minimal resources. While many of us easily weather the winter, thanks to the warm clothes and comforts we have at our disposal, not everyone is so fortunate. There are people out there who cannot afford a simple meal, let alone warm clothes. This is the harsh reality that many of us, who have never experienced such hardship, need to reflect upon.
The Venerate Foundation offers you the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and think about the thousands of people who are often overlooked. It’s a chance to become a Winter Soldier, to help those who not only need but truly deserve the basic comfort of warmth this winter. As fellow human beings, it is our responsibility to care for those less fortunate, and at the Venerate Foundation, we are committed to doing just that.