Core Values and Principles - Venerate Foundation

Values & Guide Principle

  • Recognize and value the potential of local resources and the traditional wisdom of people.
  • Prioritize the dignity of recipients over the pride of donors.
  • Promote a circular economy by maximizing the use of every material.
  • Collaborate with partner organizations to enhance effectiveness and scalability.
  • Treat every entity as an equal stakeholder in the development process, moving away from hierarchical relationships.
  • Shift focus from the "machines"—the large, well-known issues—to the "needles"—the fundamental and often overlooked basic needs.

At Venerate Foundation, we focus on the “needles”—the small, often neglected needs—while the world concentrates on the “machines,” the larger, more prominent issues. Through widespread civic participation, our initiative is evolving into a powerful people’s movement for meaningful and inclusive development.

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